

Władysław Winiecki was born Novem­ber 4, 1941 in Kutno, to Stanisław and Helena, née Lubasińska.

1948 – 1960

He started his edu­ca­tion at a pri­mary school in Kutno; then, he went to the Hen­ryk Dąbrowski sec­ondary school in Kutno and obtained his A-​level qual­i­fi­ca­tions in 1960.


At the Hen­ryk Dąbrowski sec­ondary school, as a tenth-​year stu­dent, he won a prize for his paint­ing and poetry as well as the first prize in the first edi­tion of an ama­teur paint­ing com­pe­ti­tion orga­nized by Muzeum Sztuki [the Art Museum] in Łódź.


He passed the entrance exam­i­na­tions for the Acad­emy of Fine Arts (Akademia Sztuk Pięknych – ASP) in War­saw and started his stud­ies at the Fac­ulty of Paint­ing and Graphic Arts in the stu­dio of pro­fes­sor Nacht-​Samborski. He took part in the Sec­ond Edi­tion of the Ama­teur Graphic Artists Com­pe­ti­tion in Łódź and won the first prize for painting.

1964 – 1966

In the lith­o­g­ra­phy stu­dio of pro­fes­sor Pakul­ski he cre­ated some of his first lith­o­graphs: Self-​portrait, Dance, Fairy tale, Let­ter, Three Graces, Wave.


He received a diploma with dis­tinc­tion at the Fac­ulty of Paint­ing and Graphic Arts in the ate­lier of pro­fes­sor Nacht-​Samborski. He also became a mem­ber of The Asso­ci­a­tion of Pol­ish Artists and Designers.


Winiecki took part in sev­eral exhi­bi­tions: “The 6th debut of the Acad­emy of Fine Arts grad­u­ates,” War­saw. “Lith­o­g­ra­phy” (7 graphic artists), Dom Artysty Plas­tyka (Cen­tre for the Visual Arts), War­saw. He also took part in the national com­pe­ti­tion “Man and Work in the People’s Repub­lic of Poland” (an exhi­bi­tion of the best works in the “Zachęta” gallery in War­saw). Other exhi­bi­tions fol­lowed: the exhi­bi­tion of the works that won a prize in the com­pe­ti­tion for “The best print of the month,” Dom Artysty Plas­tyka, War­saw and “The War­saw Graphic Artists’ Exhi­bi­tion,” Vasterass, Stockholm.

1967 – 1981

Dur­ing these four­teen years he won 52 prizes for “The best print of the month” in War­saw. He started work­ing on the cycle enti­tled “Ambas­sadors’ Secrets” and cre­ated the open­ing work of the cycle, A Por­trait of Sonia Łazia.


He took part in the Sec­ond Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nial in Cra­cow, BWA (The Art Exhi­bi­tions Office) and in The Sec­ond Fine Arts Fes­ti­val in Warsaw’s Zachęta gallery.


In yet another year of inten­sive cre­ative work; the fol­low­ing lith­o­graphs were printed: The Gate Man, My Gloria’s Hus­band, Anna Mother In, Cru­sade, The Great Vaude­ville. His pro­lific oeu­vre was shown at an indi­vid­ual exhi­bi­tion of his paint­ing and graphic art in the “Krzywe Koło” gallery in War­saw. Winiecki also took part in the fifth edi­tion of “The Pol­ish Com­pe­ti­tion for Marine Print” and then in the exhi­bi­tions of the best works that were entered in the com­pe­ti­tions: in Gdańsk, Mon­tréal, Stock­holm, Szczecin and Malmö. At The Sec­ond Exhi­bi­tion of Young Graphic Art (Poz­nań, BWA) Winiecki exhib­ited a col­lec­tion of works for which he received a prize and a one-​year schol­ar­ship. He also took part in a group exhi­bi­tion “Lith­o­g­ra­phy” (5 graphic artists) in Toruń, BWA. One must also men­tion The Fourth Exhi­bi­tion of Pol­ish Print in Warsaw’s Zachęta gallery. It was also the year of Winiecki’s first inter­na­tional suc­cesses – he took part in The First Inter­na­tional Bien­nale of Con­tem­po­rary Paint­ing in Pis­toia and won the Gold Medal – The Ital­ian Republic’s For­eign Min­is­ter Prize.


He took part in the fol­low­ing exhi­bi­tions and com­pe­ti­tions: “Graphic Art in Pol­ish People’s Repub­lic,” War­saw, Zachęta; “The Third Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nial” in Cra­cow, “The Third Fine Arts Fes­ti­val,” War­saw, Zachęta; “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Marine Print” – an exhi­bi­tion from the col­lec­tion of the National Museum in Szczecin, later exhib­ited in Prague and Bratislava; “An Exhi­bi­tion of Pol­ish Print” in Lagos; “The Sec­ond British Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nale” in Bradford.


He mar­ried Lil­iana Kaczyńska but the mar­riage was annulled in 1974 and from then onwards Winiecki remained unmar­ried. He also took part in the exhi­bi­tion “The Best Print of the Year” organ­ised by Dom Artysty Plas­tyka in War­saw. Other exhi­bi­tions: “The Lat­est News from Poland,” and an exhi­bi­tion of paint­ing, sculp­ture and print, Goete­borg; “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Print,” Bourges, Paris; “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Print,” Colombo (Cey­lon); “Pol­ish Print Exhi­bi­tion,” Tokyo; “An Exhi­bi­tion of Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Print,” Mex­ico; “An Exhi­bi­tion of Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Print,” Ankara, Tehran; “Józef Pakul­ski and his Stu­dents,” Groningen.


Winiecki par­tic­i­pated in the fol­low­ing exhi­bi­tions: “The Fourth Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nial,” Cra­cow; “The Fourth Fine Arts Fes­ti­val,” War­saw, Zachęta – he received the sil­ver medal for a col­lec­tion of works; “The Ninth Inter­na­tional Bien­nale of Art,” Men­ton; “Bianco e nero,” an inter­na­tional print exhi­bi­tion, Lugano; “The Sea in Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Print,” Ros­tock; “An Exhi­bi­tion of Marine Print,” Bergen, Norway.


Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the fol­low­ing exhi­bi­tions: “An Exhi­bi­tion of Pol­ish Graphic Art” (part of the Pol­ish Cul­ture Week), Rome; “Pol­ish Art Exhi­bi­tion,” Frank­furt am Main, Bib­er­ach; “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Print,” Prague, Bratislava; “The Sev­enth Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Marine Print Com­pe­ti­tion” and the exhi­bi­tion of the win­ners’ works, Szczecin, National Museum; the exhi­bi­tion of the works that won the prizes in the com­pe­ti­tion “The Best Print of the Year,” Łódź, BWA – a spe­cial prize awarded by the Min­is­ter of Cul­ture and Art.


Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the fol­low­ing exhi­bi­tions: an indi­vid­ual print exhi­bi­tion, War­saw, Gale­ria Współczesna; “The Fifth Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nial,” Cra­cow, BWA; “The Fifth Fine Arts Fes­ti­val,” War­saw, Zachęta; “Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nial Ibiza­grafik 1974,” Ibiza; an exhi­bi­tion of graphic art from Ros­tock, Riga and Szczecin organ­ised as part of the Sev­en­teenth Baltic Sea Week, Ros­tock; “The Sec­ond Nor­we­gian Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nale,” Fredrik­stad; “The Fourth Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nale,” Flo­rence; “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Print,” Buenos Aires and Brazil; “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Marine Print” (an exhi­bi­tion from the col­lec­tion of the National Museum in Szczecin), Turku; “An Exhi­bi­tion of Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Marine Print” organ­ised as part of Szczecin days, Clive­land; “Dec­o­ra­tive Paint­ing, Print and Fab­ric,” Cal­gary; “An Exhi­bi­tion of Pol­ish Graphic Art,” as part of War­saw days, Sofia; “The First Euro­pean Bien­nale of Graphic Art,” Mulhouse.


III Tri­en­nale New Delhi,” New Delhi, “The 1930-​1940s Gen­er­a­tion,” Łódź.


The Sixth Fine Arts Fes­ti­val,” War­saw, Zachęta; “The Sec­ond Print and Paint­ing Tri­en­nial: Our Time – Metaphor – Ten­den­cies,” Łódź, BWA (a prize for a col­lec­tion of works); “The Sixth Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nial,” Cra­cow, BWA; “Inte­gra­tion 76,” Katow­ice, BWA; “An Exhi­bi­tion of Pol­ish Paint­ing and Graphic Art,” Athens, Thes­sa­loniki; “Win­ter­ausstel­lung 76,” paint­ing, sculp­ture and graphic art, Düsseldorf.


He started teach­ing at the Acad­emy of Fine Arts in War­saw, at the Graphic Arts Fac­ulty – he began work­ing as a lec­turer in the draw­ing stu­dio. An indi­vid­ual exhi­bi­tion of prints, Łódź, Salon Sztuki Współczes­nej [Con­tem­po­rary Art Salon]; “Paint­ing, Graphic Art, Sculp­ture” – an exhi­bi­tion of the works of Fun­dusz Roz­woju Twór­c­zości Plas­ty­cznej [The Fund for the Devel­op­ment of Art and Design] schol­ar­ships win­ners, War­saw, Cen­tre for the Plas­tic Arts; a national com­pe­ti­tion for the best print and the exhi­bi­tion of the best works, Łódź, BWA – The Spe­cial BWA Prize; “The Sec­ond Polish-​Finnish Exhi­bi­tion of Marine Print,” Gdańsk, Szczecin, Turku; “The Best Print the Month, 1975,” an exhi­bi­tion from the col­lec­tion of the War­saw branch of The Asso­ci­a­tion of Pol­ish Artists and Design­ers, Berlin; an indi­vid­ual graphic art exhi­bi­tion, War­saw, Gale­ria Korde­garda; “The Best Print of 1976 from Cra­cow and War­saw,” Cra­cow, BWA, War­saw, Dom Artysty Plas­tyka; “The Twen­ti­eth Annual Exhi­bi­tion of the Darm­stadt Art Nou­veau,” Darm­stadt; “First Art Encoun­ters,” Madrid – a Spe­cial Prize; “The Best Print 1977,” War­saw, Gale­ria Zapiecek; “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Marine Print,” an exhi­bi­tion from the col­lec­tion of the National Museum in Szczecin, Turku.


This year Winiecki won one of the most pres­ti­gious prizes in graphic art – the Grand Prix of “The Sev­enth Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nial,” Cra­cow, BWA (for a piece of work enti­tled Film Frame 2).


An indi­vid­ual print exhi­bi­tion, Cra­cow, Gale­ria Kramy Dominikańskie; an inter­na­tional print exhi­bi­tion “Inter­grafia 80,” Katow­ice, Gale­ria Sztuki Współczes­nej BWA; “The Fifth Inter­na­tional Print Bien­nale,” Fredrik­stad; “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Print,” Bel­grade, Bucharest; “Inter­na­tional Euro­pean Print Bien­nale,” Heidelberg.


The Best Print of the Year,” War­saw, Gale­ria SBWA; “The Best Print of the Year,” War­saw, Gale­ria SBWA – an indi­vid­ual exhi­bi­tion; an inter­na­tional exhi­bi­tion of graphic art “World Print Coun­cil,” San Francisco.


1983 – 1985: Winiecki receives a schol­ar­ship from Fun­dusz Roz­woju Twór­c­zości Plas­ty­cznej [The Fund for the Devel­op­ment of Art and Design]. An indi­vid­ual print exhi­bi­tion, War­saw, Gale­ria SBWA; An indi­vid­ual print exhi­bi­tion, World Print Four – Museum of Art, San Francisco.


An indi­vid­ual print exhi­bi­tion: Tacoma Art Museum, Wash­ing­ton, Anchor­age His­tor­i­cal and Fine Arts Museum, Edi­son Com­mu­nity Col­lege Gallery, Ft. Myers, Florida.


After he was given the aca­d­e­mic title of “docent” [reader, or asso­ciate pro­fes­sor] he became the head of the graphic art stu­dio in the Print­mak­ing Depart­ment of The Graphic Arts Faculty.


An indi­vid­ual print exhi­bi­tion, The Art Museum Gal­leries, Cal­i­for­nia State Uni­ver­sity, Long Beach, California.

1991 – 1997

After becom­ing Con­tract Pro­fes­sor he became the head of the lith­o­g­ra­phy stu­dio (1997 – 2001).


An indi­vid­ual lith­o­g­ra­phy exhi­bi­tion, as part of the open­ing of a gallery in the fam­ily res­i­dence of Mag­dalena Kraszewska in Zakopane.


Exhi­bi­tions: The Teach­ers of the Acad­emy of Fine Arts (ASP) in War­saw at the Min­istry of Cul­ture and National Her­itage – “Prints from the Print­mak­ing Depart­ment,” War­saw; “Pro­fes­sor Winiecki and his Stu­dents,” a lith­o­g­ra­phy exhi­bi­tion, War­saw, Gale­ria Aneks; “An Exhi­bi­tion of the Works of the War­saw ASP Pro­fes­sors and their Stu­dents,” War­saw, Gale­ria Ericsson.


On Jan­u­ary 10, 2001 Winiecki received the title of Fine Arts Pro­fes­sor and con­tin­ued work­ing as the head of the lith­o­g­ra­phy stu­dio at the Acad­emy of Fine Arts in War­saw. He par­tic­i­pated in an exhi­bi­tion of the works of the War­saw ASP (La Gale­ria Codice, Mex­ico) and in the “Con­tem­po­rary Pol­ish Art Exhi­bi­tion,” Clermont-​Ferrand, France.


A War­saw ASP print exhi­bi­tion, Chişinău, Moldova; Cen­tro Reco­leta – A Print and Poster Exhi­bi­tion, Buenos Aires, Argentina. “A Eulogy of Lith­o­g­ra­phy” – a group lith­o­g­ra­phy exhi­bi­tion of the work of artists con­nected with the War­saw ASP, War­saw, Gale­ria Test.


A print exhi­bi­tion, Pres­i­den­tial Gallery, Bucharest, Romania.


Inter­pre­ta­tions. The tra­di­tions of War­saw print­mak­ing.” An exhi­bi­tion pre­pared as part of the Inter­na­tional Tadeusz Kulisiewicz Graphic Arts Tri­en­nial IMPRINT 2008, Kró­likar­nia, A Divi­sion of the National Museum, Warsaw.


Pro­fes­sor Winiecki and his Stu­dents” – a lith­o­g­ra­phy exhi­bi­tion organ­ised by Warsaw’s Van Gogh gallery. The Fac­ulty of Graphic Arts of War­saw ASP together with the pro­to­col sec­tion of the Min­istry of For­eign Affairs pre­pared a pre­sen­ta­tion of selected works in the Ministry’s build­ing as part of the Inter­na­tional Tadeusz Kulisiewicz Graphic Arts Tri­en­nale IMPRINT 2008. The same year Władysław Winiecki, a mem­ber of the Inter­na­tional Jury of IMPRINT 2008 pre­sented his lith­o­graphs in Autorska Gale­ria Grafiki na Zielonej Białołęce in War­saw. Władysław Winiecki died on August 25, 2008, at 7.10 a.m., in a nurs­ing home in Łomi­anki. He is buried in his fam­ily tomb (the Kraszewski fam­ily) in Zakopane.

His works form part of the fol­low­ing collections:

National Museum, War­saw, Cra­cow, Szczecin; Muzeum Okrę­gowe w Toruniu; Leon Wyczółkowski Museum, Byd­goszcz; Muzeum Sztuki, Łódź; The Min­istry of Cul­ture and Art; The National Library in Paris; The National Library in War­saw; The Museum of Con­tem­po­rary Art, Tokyo; Brad­ford Gallery, UK; The National Museum in Gronin­gen, and in pri­vate col­lec­tions around the world.